Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stabucks how I love thee....

I remember the day when I saw the "Starbucks coming soon" sign and waited in anticipation for the grand opening. I counted down the days as if a very monumental event was about to occur. It has been open for 1 month now and Oh what a joyous month it has been.

So, since Joe is working on the weekends our little adventures are going to cease for a bit. I am happy to tackle urgent organizational projects at home and to relax. Since we are without a car when Joe works his weekend job, we now have Starbucks to visit. Yes, we are regulars and the employees know the girls and I, and yes much to Joe's chagrin...Hazel says "I wanna go to Staaabucks!" Life is good! Say what you may about Starbucks, it will forever hold a special place in my heart & will always feel like home. From my days as an undergraduate studying away on late Friday nights, or just hanging out with Nicole discussing Nietzsche & Moliere over Americanos & snickerdoodles...it has always felt like home whether I am in Cali or Philly!! A typical Saturday morning includes a very anticipated trip to the Upper Darby starbucks...yeee haaa. We pack up the wagon with tons of books and head out. We read, I drink coffee, Hazel drinks milk, and if we are really, really going all out we get a treat. I love the time I get to hang out with Hazel & Jade at Starbucks and I am grateful for it...thank you Lord for small blessings!


Corynne Escalante said...

how sweet! i love little adventures with my kids... i sure wish mine would drink milk like that though..

Anonymous said...

i'm so happy for you!
i know it was hard without your starbucks:)