Friday, February 20, 2009


Being a Californian transplanted on the East Coast, there are a few issues that jump out in my mind as being the most difficult to adjust to....
1)Lack of Family and Friends

2)Lack of food that I love and need (i.e Mexican Food, In-n-Out, oh did I say Mexican Food!!!!)

3)And last but certainly not least is the Weather...

I am not accustomed to checking it daily and sometimes hourly. And to be perfectly honest, we do not get very much snow, inches maybe. Let me also include that in Philadelphia we are certainly not in the same situations as loved ones in New England and in the Midwest but as a California girl who lived in her rainbows and would "grab a sweater" when it got "cold" (60 degrees)...I am dying here people....I'm literally an ice cube, well not literally. Good thing I am half Mexican so I have some color but I would say I am in need of a tan. Well, the good Lord blessed us with a few days of "warm" weather...I mean it was beautiful people, a lovely 52 degrees to be exact. So the girls and I went on a LONG walk and enjoyed the warmer day.....OK so it wasn't quite grab your bikini and suntan lotion type warm but it was still glorious!!!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I know the feeling! Warm here is 40 degrees! But I've gotten so used to it that when 40 degrees creep upon us, I'm in short sleeves (no joke, I never thought I would say that).