Monday, November 30, 2009

Turkey Curry!!!

Like many out there, we have tons of leftovers...tons and tons. We sent some home with family and still have a fridge full. Last year we opted for turkey nachos, so preferring tradition and the easy way out of things, I suggested them again. My husband, being a chef and always looking for a challenge replied, "no let's think of something different". Hungry, and slightly annoyed I began to take a mental note of the contents of our fridge, and our basement fridge. "mashed potatoes" I said, "turkey", hmmmm "acorn soup"......"I got it".....turkey curry!!! We jump at the chance to eat rice, so we thought we would make some jasmine rice and turkey curry. My husband being a genius decided to take the mashed potatoes and make samosasand then he went even further and made a sauce for them out of yogurt and the leftover cranberry sauce. Aaaaand I fell in love even more because he baked the samosas rather than fried them, and I think I ate 100. Hazel and Jade loved them too.

We bought wonton wrappers for the samosas, Naan, we made up some jasmine rice, and had the curry in the fridge. We chopped up some onions and carrots to add to the acorn soup and added shredded really we Incorporated what we had with our thanksgiving leftovers. I am telling you it was absolutely delicious!
The picture really does not do it too much justice. We were eager to eat so Joe quickly snapped the pic. I love being a member of this stomach does too!!! I'm eager to hear about what everyone is doing with their leave a comment and let us know what you have come up with!!
Tonight we feast on BBQ Turkey sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds absolutely delicious! I wish I was there. Love, Momma