Monday, October 24, 2011

A day in the garden.

Spending the day at Longwood Gardens was a great idea (We have a membership that is way underused!!)!!! We used it as a field trip on a Monday last week. How often do you just let kids frolic in the open, fresh air with the warm sun shining? Well to be perfectly honest, not nearly enough around here!! The kids had so much fun!!!

Have a gorgeous, lovely, and fabulous day!!!


Kebble said...

Wow what great memories.... I love your pictures.... And do want that huge pumpkin... love love kiss kiss Tita

The Montgomerys said...

Isn't it so cool! It weighed like 6 or 7 lbs...isn't that amazing?!?! Love you too!

The Montgomerys said...

6 or 7 HUNDRED! Sorry, left that out <3


I'm sad we didn't get to go there when we visited. LOVE the model poses and love even more that Jade is getting in on that now:) They are such beautiful girls!!! That boy's eyes are outrageous. LOVE you ALL XOXO