Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh Snap...

That faithful morning I was running two and fro...trying tirelessly to get everyone bathed, dressed, fed, and out the door in time for Hazel's Dr. visit. So I gave Jade a bath, dressed her and put her in their room to play while I gave Hazel her bath. I just so happened to have my diaper bag with my trusty camera inside (goes everywhere with me) on my arm because I was getting it ready when I noticed the perfect potential shot.

I mean it was so cute I could just hear the Grandmas & Aunts going crazy. I quickly put the camera back in the bag, leaned over to unplug the bath, when OMG my camera dove right into the bath...I grabbed the little wrist cord but not quick enough because the camera was completely submerged in water for a good 2-3 seconds. I think I went numb for a second, I could just see Joe's face after I told him that I killed another one of our cameras (e.g running over my diaper bag with the camera inside). So I quickly txted all of my friends and waited anxiously for any responses. The info I was receiving was not looking good, not at all. I had to put the whole thing out of my mind because we were going to be late for the appt. So the entire time while at the pediatricians I kept thinking about my poor, beloved camera....and hated that I wasn't able to snap dozens of pics while we were there...and my stomach ached at the thought of breaking the news to Joe what would he do? I was scurrrrred.

Once I got home, I received a txt & call from Joe's awesome sis, Corynne...who happens to be married to an awesome photographer, David. David had said to fill a zip lock bag with rice, put my camera & memory card in it, seal it, and wait 7 days. I instantly took the advice and within seconds my camera was in the rice & sealed. I waited, prayed each day, waited, peeked, and finally day 7 rolled around and thank you Jesus....our camera works!!!!!!! I am so lucky to have FABULOUS Corynne and Dave to give me such awesome advice. Thanks!!!! Now I'm snapping photos of my kids like a out Hazel & I come!!!




Corynne Escalante said...

that's a cute photo...

Anonymous said...

now this is the cutest picture EVA!