Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Washington DC

Washington DC is really a great place. There is so much to see you actually need a week or so to really soak it all in. We made a trip to our nations capital during the month of August so that Abuelita could see it all (or at least try to see most of it). Well we had a couple of days, actually an evening and a semi-full day, and we saw all that we could. We stayed in the heart of the city and really made use of our walking shoes, walking over 3 miles the first day. We visited the Smithsonian for a bit, walked to the Washington Monument, the WWII Monument, the Lincoln Monument....all on the 1st day!!! The second day we joined a fabulous trolley tour and some of the highlights include the AMAZING Washington Arboretum (probably my favorite place!!), the Capital building, the Arlington cemetery where we saw the changing of the guard! It was so nice to take my mom to DC, it was truly an awesome experience.

I was around 18 when I first travelled to the East Coast and visited DC. I know my children are too young to really appreciate the privilege to be there, but I think it is great that they are able to become acclimated with travel and visiting very awesome places!!!!

Walk to the Washinton Monument...an endless walk!!!

The Lincoln Monument

The Washington Arboretum

Arlington National Cemetery

The Trolley Ride

The Capital

The building where Abraham Lincoln died...

Hanging out with Hazel...

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